Live your life
upside down.

Life Upside Down is a podcast by Ryan and Karina Martinez challenging the status quo while inspiring you to seek the will of God in your life.

Topics We Discuss


We not only share our individual stories of how Christ brought us out of darkness in the past, but we also discuss relatable topics about what we are currently learning as we continue to journey through life together.


We believe every aspect of life can be filtered through the lens of our faith. We want to inspire others to live life with God in mind, believing that He can teach us lessons even through what may seem like the most insignificant circumstances.


We have a passion for the family unit and believe that families have the power to change culture. We discuss all things parenting and marriage, whether its the struggles of a stay at home mom, pursing personal dreams and goals as a parent, or late night conflict resolution as a married couple.

Don't Just Exist…

Are you part of the nearly 60% of people who wonder how they can find more meaning and purpose in life?

Trapped in a system that promises happiness and satisfaction, while consistently feeling empty and lifeless at each turn in life.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

Its time to flip life on its head…

Escape the confines of a failing system…

Follow Life Upside Down The Podcast and discover an upside down perspective that will have you encouraged to truly LIVE LIFE.

Live Life With Purpose

What people are saying

Take the first step.

Turn your life
upside down.